
发布时间:2017-06-15 浏览次数:2810


On Jan 16th, the opening ceremony of American TESOL Training for teachers of Chengdu No.7 High School was successfully held on Linyin campus. The training aimed at helping career development of English teachers was organized by Cogdel Group—Sichuan TESOL authentication and management center of American TESOL Institute-China.

成都七中易国栋校长、毛道生副校长,七中国际部执行校长、康德集团副总裁杨越女士,美国TESOL教育学会中国区高级讲师、康德集团学术总监Shanna Mack,美国TESOL教育学会认证管理中心讲师Adam Abusarar等嘉宾出席了仪式。

School leaders including Mr. Yi Guodong (Principal, Chengdu No.7 High School), Mr. Mao Daosheng (Vice-principal, Chengdu No.7 High School), Ms. Yang Yue (Vice President, Cogdel Group) and representatives from American TESOL Institute including Shanna Mack (Senior TESOL Lecturer and Director of ARD, Cogdel Group), Mr. Adam Abusarar (Lecturer of American TESOL Institute) attended the ceremony.

开班仪式上,易国栋校长发言,希望参加研修的老师们充分利用机会,进一步陶冶“学术气”;毛道生副校长提到,教师的专业发展有赖于三个方面,即自我发展、学校支持和专家引领。本次研修班为期一周,外语教师们将以“Discussion based workshop”为主要形式就TESOL教学的各个方面进行具体的专题研修。

During the ceremony, Mr. Yi Guodong gave an wonderful speech and sincerely hoped that all teachers could make the best of this opportunity and be cultivated in an academic way. Mr. Mao Daosheng mentioned three key factors to teachers’ career development, that is self-development, school’s support and the guidance of experts. In the upcoming one-week training, English teachers will be trained in “Discussion based workshop” .

在培训中,Shanna Mack女士向大家介绍了布鲁姆、马扎诺等大师的相关教育理论,并与大家一起分析了这些理论在具体工作运用中需要注意的问题。参加研修的所有老师积极参加讨论和互动,呈现出了良好的精神面貌和谦逊的学习精神。

During the training, Ms. Shanna Mack introduced educational theories of great masters like Bloom and Marzano. She also reminded teachers to flexibly utilize these theories in practice. All the teachers participating in the training had heated discussions and interactions, which meanwhile presented their positive and modest attitude towards learning.

培训结束后,成都七中外语组组长杨惠老师向授课的外籍专家们表达了诚挚的谢意并代表学校向美国TESOL教育学会中国区高级讲师、康德集团学术总监Shanna Mack女士颁发学术顾问聘书。Shanna Mack女士欣然接受成都七中的聘请并表示在今后将继续寻求更多的机会与成都七中外语组深度合作。

After the training, Ms. Yang Hui (Leader of English Teaching Group), on behalf of Chengdu No.7 High School, showed sincere appreciation to all TESOL experts and awarded the appointment certificate of Academic Advisor to Ms. Shanna Mack. Ms. Shanna Mack expressed that Cogdel Group would seek more deep cooperation with English Teaching Group of Chengdu No.7 High School in near future.

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