
发布时间:2017-06-20 浏览次数:2152

为寻求更多的美国优质教育资源,拓宽康德集团与美国教育机构的合作渠道,康德集团于10月8日至19日赴美访问多个教育机构。此次赴美访问的成员包括康德集团总裁王舒先生,中国教育科学研究院中国德育杂志社常务副社长、康德集团独立董事蒋建华先生,康德集团中育教育总经理王瑛女士。康德领导层一行走访行程包括:美国国际教育委员会AC(American Councils for International Education)、美国经济学教育委员会CEE(Council of Economic Education)、美国商业俱乐部DECA以及格兰那达山特许高中GHC(Granada Hills Charter High School)。

To acquire more American high-quality educational resources and expand the cooperation channels , the Cogdel leadership were invited to visit several American educational institutions from Oct. 8th to 19th. The trip involved Mr. Wang Shu(President, Cogdel Group), Mr. Jiang Jianhua(Independent Director, Cogdel Group) and Ms. Wang Ying(GM, ZoomIn Education, Cogdel Group). They paid visits to AC , CEE , DECA and GHC.



The Cogdel Delegation paid a visit to AC(American Councils for International Education) Headquarters located in Washington D.C. AC, an international non-profit organization, has been devoting itself to creating better educational opportunities for individuals and institutions across the world. In 2015, Cogdel has signed a strategic partnership agreement with AC, cooperating with each other in teachers training, Sino-US students exchange programs and study in the US. This time, both sides have decided to attach importance to these three programs. AC will provide Cogdel teachers and students with customized consulting and support.


(AC副总裁Lisa Choate与康德代表团交流)



The Cogdel Delegation paid a visit to CEE(Council of Economic Education). CEE, founded in 1940, has been devoting itself to promoting economic education in America. It has involved 55,000 teachers and 5,000,000 students with over 200 affiliated institutions . The Cogdel Delegation and CEE experts had discussions on economic education standards, publications and teachers training, etc.

(康德代表团与CEE首席运营官Sally Wood合影)


康德集团代表团走访位于弗吉尼亚州的DECA总部,并考察了DECA分会案例中学——格兰那达山特许高中GHC(Granada Hills Charter High School)。 DECA成立于1946年,在美国50个州以及哥伦比亚、加拿大、中国、韩国、德国、西班牙等世界各地共发展了20万余名会员。DECA致力培养市场营销、商业、财务、酒店管理领域的领导型人才。

The Cogdel Delegation paid visits to the DECA Headquarters located in Virginia and its case school GHC(Granada Hills Charter High School). DECA, founded in 1946, has developed more than 200,000 members across the world and has been devoting itself to cultivating leaders in fields like marketing, business, finance and hotel management.



GHC(Granada Hills Charter High School), founded in 1960, has over 4,600 current students. The Cogdel Delegation observed its Business Class and GHC-DECA Business Club. They developed in-depth communication with club supervisors and members on course construction, teachers training, activity planning, resources integration and competitions.

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