Cogdel Newsletter

发布时间:2017-06-21 浏览次数:2132

新闻导读News Guide

中心活动 Center Activities

• 多家知名美国教育机构来访成都七中国际部

Several American educational institutes visited International Department, Chengdu No.7 High School

• 成都七中国际部2016届学生毕业典礼圆满举行

Commencement of International Department, Chengdu No.7 High School successfully held

• 重庆楷博学校第二校区开业盛典隆重举行

Opening ceremony of the second campus of Chongqing K&B School successfully held


6月9日,美国Education Vector的CEO Bruce J. Davis先生和Calvert International的VP Angela Wang女士访问成都七中国际部,就如何进行国际教育业务的合作展开热烈讨论并达成共识。

On June 9th, representatives from Education Vector and Calvert International visited  International Department, Chengdu No. 7 High School and reached consensus in terms of international education exchanges and cooperation.

6月24日,美国堪萨斯州独立学校( the Independent School, Kansas)的校长Milton Dougherty先生和董事会主席Jane Shaw女士对康德集团和成都七中国际部进行访问,Milt校长一行对康德集团的办学成就和战略规划非常赞赏,表示愿意积极推进和促成双方未来的合作。

On June 24th, Mr. Milton Dougherty (Head of School) and Ms. Jane Shaw (Board Chair of School) paid a visit to International Department, Chengdu No. 7 High School, expressing that they were inclined to push forward bilateral future cooperation on the basis of great appreciation of Cogdel’s brilliant achievements and developmental strategic plans.




On June 17th, the commencement of International Department, Chengdu No.7 High School was successfully held. School leaders, teachers and parents gathered to witness the growth and glory of 116 graduates. At the end of the commencement, the First Alumni Association of International Department, Chengdu No.7 High School was officially established. As the bridge between school and graduates, the association is aimed at promoting the alumni exchange activities around the world and offering assistance and guidance to them on overseas life, study and career, etc.



On June 22nd, the opening ceremony of the second campus of Chongqing K&B School was successfully held. Cooperation partners from all walks of life attended this grand event. The establishment of the second campus of Chongqing K&B School is to offer advanced international education courses and diversified comprehensive activities resources to children from 10 years old to 18 years old in Chongqing area.

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