Cogdel Newsletter

发布时间:2017-06-21 浏览次数:4930

新闻导读News Guide

中心活动 Center Activities

• 康德教育集团重庆中心与重庆第一双语学校签订合作协议

Cooperation agreement successfully signed between Chongqing center, Cogdel Group and Chongqing No.1 Bilingual Middle School

• 美国休斯顿克里斯汀高中回访重庆中心校区

The United States Houston Christian High School paid a return visit to Chongqing No.1 Bilingual Middle School

• 全国青少年口译大赛重庆地区总决赛在重庆中心圆满举行

The final of National Youth Interpreting Competition (Chongqing Area) successfully held in Chongqing No.1 Bilingual Middle School

• 苏州教育局直属学校(含苏州国际预科学校)外教体验中国传统文化

Foreign teachers from several Suzhou junior high schools including Suzhou International Foundation School which are directly under Suzhou’s Education Bureau experienced Chinese traditional culture

• “TTT优质讲师训”培训在重庆中心举行

Training seminars“TTT” held in Chongqing No.1 Bilingual Middle School

• 第二届全国中学生财经素养大赛公益讲座顺利举行

Public lectures of 2nd National Financial Literacy Competition of Middle School Students successfully held

• 中美青少年文教交流互访计划确定结对学校

Cooperation schools of Sino-US Exchange programs have been determined



On November 13th, Mr. Wangshu (President, Cogdel Group) on behalf of Chongqing center and Mr. Lu Shankun (Principal, Chongqing No.1 Bilingual Middle School) successfully signed a five-year cooperation agreement in running schools. Both sides will make joint efforts to cultivate qualified international talents for the country by integrating high-quality education resources at home and abroad and exploring best running system for private international schools.



2015年11月24日,全美唯一与前总统办公室合作成立的布什芭芭拉青年领导力中心主任Tom Wilson、副主任Nancy Wilson,以及全美顶尖高中休斯顿克里斯汀高中课程主任Christine Metoyer和第二外语导师Laura Hosford-Yunker,一行四人访问康德集团重庆中心-重庆第一双语学校;由康德集团副总裁黄星女士组成的领导团,就中美学生领导力的培养、素质课程体系的搭建、学术课程的融合等议题进行了深入探讨。经过半天的回访,彼此有了更深的了解和信任。最后双方就继续推动中美学生领导力的培养和互访达成一致,并确定了布什芭芭拉青年领导力中心与康德集团重庆中心达成长期战略合作关系。

On November 24th, Tom Wilson (Director, Barbara Bush Youth Leadership Center, America), Nancy Wilson (Deputy Director), Christine Metoyer (Courses Director, United States Houston Christian High School) and Laura Hosford-Yunker (Mentor of second foreign language) paid a visit to Chongqing No.1 Bilingual Middle School. Both sides established a long-term strategic cooperation relationship based on in-depth communication on such issues as students’ leadership cultivation, quality-oriented courses framework and academic courses integration.





On November 28th, 39 students from different high schools participated in the Final of National Youth Interpreting Competition (Chongqing Area) which was successfully held in Chongqing No.1 Bilingual Middle School. Competitors from Chengdu and Chongqing center secured the first three places and 12 students were on the top 20. All of them will attend the national final in Beijing. Chongqing center gained precious experience in organizing national competitions and achieved more cooperation opportunities with other companies and associations. Also,It is firmly believed that the mutual cooperation and exchange between Chengdu and Chongqing center will benefit Cogdel resources integration and development, thus providing broader platform for students’ growth.





On November 24th, 11 foreign teachers from several junior high schools including Suzhou International Foundation School experienced Chinese traditional culture in Suzhou Tourism and Finance Institute. All the foreign teachers are senior students and graduates from UK universities; they arrived in Suzhou in August and will undertake one-year teaching work. Various forms of teaching seminars have been organized each week by Suzhou International Foundation School since September.




2015年,重庆中心两次邀请年度培训合作方“共好顾问集团-重庆共好企业管理顾问有限公司”的知名培训师张大亮老师为全员带来“TTT(Training The Trainer to Train)优质讲师训”的培训。在8月27日的课程中,主要是帮助老师、内部培训师提升授课和培训技能;在12月12日的课程中,则主要教授员工如何有效开展外部的宣传活动、家长会、留学咨询会等沙龙活动。相信通过本年度一系列培训,全员的职业素养和专业技能都能得到有效提升,从而为康德的大力发展贡献力量。

On August 27th and December 12th, Mr. Zhang Daliang, well-known Trainer, Chongqing Gung-Ho Consulting Co., Ltd., Gung-Ho Consulting Group, was invited by Chongqing No.1 Bilingual Middle School to give training seminars “ TTT (Training The Trainer to Train) ”. It’s firmly believed that the professional qualities and skills of all staff will be significantly enhanced through a series of such training seminars, thus contributing to Cogdel’s development.




Recently, the public lectures of 2nd National Financial Literacy Competition of Middle School Students (CJSY), jointly organized by ZoomIn, Cogdel Group and Youth MBA, Open Class Magazine were successfully held in several southwestern high schools. Moreover, ZoomIn will specially launch CJSY youth commerce program in winter holiday. The program can serve to prepare students for the competition and improve their personal financial skills by offering international financial experience and world-famous enterprises investigation opportunities.


2015年康德集团中育教育与Sino-US Exchange组委会AlphaPartner、加州优质私立中学联盟协作,为中国学校、学生、家长量身定制Sino-US Exchange中美名校深度互访项目。SinoexChange平台汇集了代表美国中学教育最高水平的知名中学,目前已有波士顿、纽约、华盛顿等地区的20余所具有影响力的中学加入。2015年项目组按照学校知名度与影响力、课程多元性及学术质量、学区环境及整体条件、办学特色与课外活动、国际交流意向与中文项目等标准有选择地邀请美国名校为中国学校提供高质量的交流伙伴。

ZoomIn has established cooperation with AlphaPartner (Committee, Sino-US Exchange) and High-quality Private Secondary Schools League of California to offer individualized Sino-US Exchange programs to Chinese schools, students and parents. In 2015, the program team will select eligible American partners for Chinese schools based on overall evaluations including their influence, courses, teaching quality and campus environment, etc.

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