
发布时间:2019-09-3 浏览次数:7059







英国克雷格公学创建于1865年,有超过150年办学历史,常年位居英国私立寄宿学校排名前十。今年6月,康德受邀出席了由中国国务院副总理胡春华与英国财政大臣菲利普·哈蒙德在英国伦敦主持的第十次中英经济财金对话。作为中英教育合作的成果,康德教育与英国克雷格公学(Cranleigh School)在英国国际贸易部部长霍林贝利的见证下,签署了一份为期25年的合作协议。

After Cogdel Cranleigh K12 School Project settled Long Quanyi District of Chengdu, Hunan Future Investment Group Co. Ltd (Future Group)and Cogdel signed an MOU on 23rd August in which two sides agreed to launch Changsha Cranleigh K12 School in 2020 and Cogdel will introduce Cranleigh to the new campus of Xiangjun Future Experimental School under Future Group, committing to jointly operate Hunan's best international school.

Changsha Cranleigh K12 School is located in Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone. The new project is 84,106.55 square meters and the total construction area is 82,834.12 square meters.

Founded in 1865, Cranleigh School has a history of more than 150 years, ranking among the top 10 private boarding schools in UK. In June this year, Cogdel was invited to attend the 10th China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue hosted by Vice Premier Mr. Hu Chunhua and UK Finance Minister Mr. Philip Hammond in London. As a result of the China-UK education partnership at EFD, Cranleigh School and Cogdel signed a 25-year partnership agreement witnessed by Mr. George Hollingberry, Minister of State for Trade Policy at the Department for International Trade UK.

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