
发布时间:2020-05-15 浏览次数:1631


Due to the coronavirus, the spring semester has been delayed. In order to provide studies to students during the extended holidays, Cogdel centers are working hard to provide online teaching and learning to all the students. Let’s see how the center staff are working.



During the epidemic period, the International Department of Suzhou No.1 High School organized classes without stopping the school. On February 10, 2020, the school conducted online teaching, answering questions and teaching counselling through the online platform and class groups. At present, Chinese and foreign teachers of the International Department have already been worked at home. According to the teaching schedule, teachers are teaching online, broadcasting the lessons and arranging corresponding homework assignments from first year to the third year of high school. Students submitted assignments after class.


Of course, the faculty and staff of the International Department of Suzhou No. 1 High School, like the people across the country, have been following the development of the epidemic. So recently, a spontaneous "CALL for Wuhan" blessing activity has spread among the staff, students, and parents of the International Department.



During the epidemic period, the International Department of Chongqing No.1 International Studies School organized online-classes On February 10. Meanwhile, Grade 12 students receive some offers from top universities like University of NYU and Imperial College London.



The teachers and students of Wuhan center have started online teaching and studies since Feb.10, which is well organized and highly welcomed by students although they are experiencing hard times. Meanwhile, Grade 12 students receive some offers from top universities like University of Warwick and University of Melbourne, which inspires all the faculty and students.



Chengdu center is preparing for the online teaching to start from Feb.17. Due to the epidemic, all the events are being organized and delivered online. On Feb.11, Vivian did an online demo teaching invited by Chengdu New Channel and on Feb.15, Arthur Wu, alumnus of Chengdu center shared his 12-year-long study and working experience in the UK universities to the potential students.



During the epidemic period, the Ivy Seedling Program of Xichuan Experimental School organized classes without stopping the school. The school conducted online teaching, collective lesson preparation and teaching counselling through the online platform and class groups. At present, Chinese and foreign teachers of the International Department have already prepared and tested online teaching in advance.



With the joint efforts of all teachers, International Department of Jincheng No.1 Secondary School has completed the preparatory work for the postponed spring semester. All subjects are taught online with guidance, FAQ, integrated subject study, and inquiry-based activities. Online teaching seminar held at least twice a week and teachers share reading materials by DingTalk. Students upload oral English recordings and other homework via the online platform to guarantee the quality of teaching.

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